garmp1 wrote:
Some how or another we ended up with a gnarly mess of cords/chargers for all our electrical devices.
Two cell phones, (and of course they take different chargers), GPS, MP3 player, MP3 dock, tablet, tablet keyboard, camera, laptop, hot spot, and Lord knows what other chargeable device she'll decide we NEED.
How do you carry this mess of cords and devices so that you can easily tell which charger goes with which device. I was thinking of color coding each device along with their respective charging unit. That seems too complicated. Now I'm contemplating a separate bag/pouch for each device and their charges. (MP3 for example has 3+, Power port, AC, & USB, plus phono jacks for RV plug in usage) and then putting all pouches together in a larger tote or whatever.
Any thought/ideas? Other than leaving half this behind, how do you handle your cords?
First I make a bunch of labels of various sizes on the computer in a heavy font like "Arial Black" and label each cord/charger with those. With the USB 3.0 and 2.0 I do the same to all those USB based cables/chargers with the label on the USB connector end. I then purchase yards of 2" wide velco at my local fabric store and using nylon upholstery thread and a hand sewing awl make velco strips and attach one to each cord near the end that plugs into the power source and then coil almost all excess cord and secure it leaving only enough to connect the device to. This allows me to use the charger/cord w/o having a lot of excess loose cord/cable. I the cord is really long and I need a fairly long length to connect the device I will make and attach a second velco strip near the device end and then when storing the cord roll/store that excess onto of the normally stored and unused excess so when I use the cord charger I only have to free up the second length leaving the bulk still secured and stowed.
If I had a bunch of these I moved around then I would buy some of nylon storage bags in the camping/outdoor section at WM and store all the cords/charger in there. With the velco system you won't have the cords all tangled up with each other.