Upgraded, from the stock 17" steel wheels and factory mini-van tires.
From the 2014 specs, the optional Ford 18" wheels are rated for more than my Ultra Motorsports. About 120 pounds per wheel, more, iirc. I guess I gotta chaulk it up to vanity. My wheels are a hella lot cooler. My last weigh-in, the rear axle was 5,660. That was without my trailer's tongue weight of about 300-350 pounds. Hopefully, I'll be able to maintain a 700 pound safety margin in regard to the wheels' 7,000 pound rating. The door-jamb sticker states rear axle capacity at 6,200. I think the stock wheels and tires had something to do with that rating.
larry barnhart wrote:
... but I know the answer is "because we can" that is ok as I agree .