ReneeG wrote:
We too take Navy showers, but that initial "lead" of water is COLD! Right now we are catching it in a bucket, if we remember. At that, it is a pain. Who has this and does it really halp?
Again for my situation the amount of water I need to waste getting the hot from the tank to the faucet is very small. Perhaps you have much 1/2" instead of 3/8" supply lines and a long distance from the tank. I am curious, how much water are you catching?
BTW, I maintain a clean FW tank suitable for brushing teeth, drinking after a Brita, and kitchen uses. I am not sure I would want to recycle HW back into the FW tank. After years of use, I am having difficulty keeping the HW clean. I have had issues with odors and mineral deposits even after a vinegar soak. I already spend enough effort on water conservation. Rather than recycle, I would even prefer to carry an extra gallon or two of water in a jug.