2oldman wrote:
JimK-NY wrote:
At Great Basin NP, the water system was shut off due to some sort of emergency repair. All of that happened on the same camping trip.
Lotta bad luck there!
It's common for almost any RV park or campground to have water problems.. much more than any other utility. Old rotten pipes, shifting ground, dry wells, pollution...
For that reason I always keep my tank well-filled and use it exclusively.
I've known quite a few campers who thought we were out of our minds traveling with a full fresh water tank, and never filled even at a campground. for all of them that ended when they were at a campground that (a) lost power and water, (b) at a campground that didn't have water for some reason when they got their (c) had potable water, but being potable doesn't necessarily mean you want to use it for anything. T
We just plan on leaving home with a full water tank, and then fill as needed. Carry along a portable "water stick" water softener for those places with water as hard as nails.