Forum Discussion

Ron_Schulz's avatar
Mar 23, 2023

Water saver for shower.

Some time ago, maybe a few years, there was a series of posts about saving water when running hot water for a shower. Someone had made up a system whereby hot water would divert back into the fresh water tank until it got hot than you could open the faucet and get hot water right away. Part of the system had a piece of tubing that would change color when the hot water went thru it alerting you to the fact the shower was ready.
Any chance someone remembers this and can suggest who made the kit? Any info would be helpful.
  • You could always install a recirculating pump with either a thermostatic control switch or a manual switch near the shower to circulate hot water back to the water heater through the cold lines which would give you relatively instant hot water when you open the shower faucet. Dave Rypma did a pretty good design for the Alfa See Ya, Founder,and Gold motorhomes.
  • Thank you for your service. You’re an Army dad, I’m sure you’ve heard of Navy showers!