radioadam wrote:
Cool mod guys...but, why? I understand some don't have the square bumper to store the hose in, but some of the pictures above show a lonely square bumper and the fence post mod. Why is the fence post better than the bumper that is already there?
Here are a few:
1. It doesn't rust and normal metal bumpers WILL eventually rust and really start eating sewer hoses from the scraping. This was the original reason I used the fence post when the bottom of my original bumper on my 81 rusted thru enough on the bottom that the hose starting bulging out of the bottom.
2. If you use the 5" then you can add the gutter tray and also store things like the sewer fittings in there ... this is alone is a HUGE ADVANTAGE on it's own IMO. On mine I also store my toilet "swivel stick" for flushing the black tank.
3. My second trailer didn't even have a sewer bumper and what was from the factory was a 4" round pipe only about 30" long screwed parallel to the frame rail and very inconvenient.