1,000 pounds of hitch weight should not be a problem for the Dodge truck. 8,000 pounds 'camping weight' should also be within the specs for a normal 1/2 ton Hemi equipped truck.
But still I can not say you are good to go without knowing the GVWR of the truck and the normal truck curb weight. I do know that for the Ecoboost equipped F-150 that is a normal load to put on that truck. I think that they have a GVWR package that allows up to 2,300 pounds of cargo and a trailer up to 11,300 pounds before reaching the GCVWR.
You would have to be concerned about the GCVWR. Say your Dodge is 16,000 pounds. And the trailer is 8,000 pounds. Curb weight of the truck is say 6,200 pounds with full fuel and passengers. This leaves you with a truck and trailer weight of only 14,200 pounds, well within a 16,000 pound rating. However if the truck GCVWR is only 14,500 pounds, you would be cutting it close.
Good luck!