SkiSmuggs wrote:
Mootpoint wrote:
If you have to do a bunch of work to boost your 1/2 ton it's not 1/2 ton towable.
You can mod out a Volkswagen to tow with if you want but is it safe.
JMHO....There is no such thing as 1/2 ton towable 5th wheel.
They can put you to sleep watching them sway to and fro in light winds down the road.
How about if you only have to check two items on the order form?
I just have Max Tow on mine, added SuperSprings, Bilsteins (about what Ford does for the HD payload package) and have 15K of towing with no sway or close calls up and down mountains of VT, NH, CO and WY. My fiver is 9500 lb loaded and is rated for 11K, so I have no reservations about it. But I still don't think the OP has the truck for it.
I'll second what you said SkiSmuggs, but just like _____'s, everybody has an opinion and he is allowed his just as we are allowed ours. Only difference is we are living the truth and those that oppose just will not understand unless they drive one. I made a believer out of my brother and he has a 3500 CTD.