SkiSmuggs wrote:
JeanMarie wrote:
Here are the specs. for the 5th wheel that I wanted. It's just me and my husband, no kids, 2 small dogs.
That dry hitch weight of 1420 will be about 1700 loaded, so you need at least a 1/2 ton with a payload rating of 2400 lbs (it has to carry you and your stuff too) or more. I can only speak of Fords and that means a special order for the HD Payload option. A 3/4 ton truck should be fine.
My next truck will be an F350/3500 class so I don't feel as limited in fiver choices, but I won't have to worry about commuting by then.
And, BTW, do your own homework on the brand truck you want. You would be surprised how little salesmen know about them and they want you to buy something off their lot. It is your problem after that.