Me Again wrote:
x96mnn wrote:
Need more info on your half ton. Not all half ton models are towable by every half ton. They list a 12000pd fifth wheel as half ton towable as there are two half tons on the market that can do it. A Chev and Ford configured a certain way, can tow 12000pds and payloads around 2000pds. Similar truck loaded up may only tow 9000pds with 1300pds of payload based on its gears and the extras added.
Prize for best answer so far. Chris
The issue with 1/2 ton 5er is that if the TV states MAX trailer, that is for the stripper model of a Max tow Max pay load. Every pound added to the TV is a pound less the TV can tow, most are at less than 10,000#. Those "1/2 tons" have GVWR that are about 95%+ of total axle capacity, making it easy to be within GVWR and over rear GAWR!