Dano1955 wrote:
Took my rig out for the 1st time last weekend, 2 nighter. Everything that needs to work seems to be working without issue, but there were some minor things that will need to be addressed by me or the dealer. Most of them are so minor that it's almost not worth towing to the dealer to address so maybe I'll just take care of them, but definitely want to notify the dealer and get their response.
I do have a question about a/c though. I have a 15K BTU unit and it seemed like it really wasn't cooling much. Standing right under the main unit there was strong cold air coming out, but in the kitchen and bedroom the ceiling vents didn't seem to have much airflow, but there was cool air coming out of them. And the a/c never shut off with temp set anywhere up to 79. It would finally go off if I manually set temp to 80. It was 78 outside and going from out to in, the temperature change was barely noticeable. I would think that 15K would be enough BTU's to significantly cool a 32 ft 5er.
Anyway will check on that, hopefully I won't need a second unit for the bedroom. My main concern I guess is the minimal air output at the ceiling vents in BR and K.
Other minor issues, missing rubber/vinyl gasket at shore water hookup so it leaked. Fortunately my "neighbor" in his touring rockband class A (sweet rig, way outta my ballpark) ahd spares. Of course I didn't, who woulda thunk it? I bought a $1.99 pack of four for the spare parts kit.
One electrical outlet in the kitchen (under cabinet) seems to have fallen and the bezel came off. Will address that. Ordered a new mattress for the br and sofa sleeper. Never be able to full time with what came with it.
Anyway a good first short trip. Next one in three weeks
............Pull the plastic cover off the A\C , take a bright flashlight and inspect the area where the cold air is SUPPOSED to be separated from the return air ! There should be a tin metal partition that separates these two items and it should touch the metal surface of the unit on it's upper edge . ANY , gaps , will allow the emerging cold air , to be sucked back into the return air thus reducing the volume of cold air available to cool your camper . These units are designed just like female anatomy , the INput and OUTput are real close together ! , lol , jf