Forum Discussion

calstar's avatar
Mar 31, 2017

1st time 5th wheel owner sliding bar hitch question

I've had a truck camper and decided to go to a 5th wheel, found a good deal on one, bought it. It was 200miles away so I took my car rather than truck to see it, now will return to get it. It comes with a sliding bar hitch which I removed it from their truck and will now install it on mine. Heres my question: This hitch has a non-tilting plate(side to side), are these a pain to connect if the truck and 5th are not on level ground, must they be on the exact same plane to hook it up without a lot of hassle? I ask because if these are problematic I am not against getting one that has a small amount of side to side tilt and save myself the trouble of installing the one that comes with it and then realizing that I need/want a tilting type(which I would then have to mount a hitch for the second tme)

thanks, Brian
  • I've never owned a side tilt hitch and in 27 years have had problems hooking or unhooking just a few times. Solutions in those cases can be putting leveling boards under a truck rear tire or just disconnecting the hitch head from the base and leave it hanging on the pin. However, side tilt is beneficial provided you have enough clearance to avoid trailer to truck bed contact. Slide bar latches are pretty secure but wear at the very tiny point of contact can be significant. There are so many choices in new hitches, you might use the existing hitch for a while first, then see if a change is needed.
  • You might be able to replace the head and keep the rest of the hitch. My 4 way tilt head is held in place with two pins and could be switched out. The pins also make the removal of the hitch easier. The pieces are easier to handle individually.

    Call the hitch company, if they are still in business, and ask them if they have a tilting head for the hitch.
  • That is a very basic hitch, that you won't be happy with! The slide bar can be dependable, but with just a little wear, are sloppy/noisy. You will want one that is a 4-way tilt.

  • Do yourself a big favor and go buy yourself a good 4 way articulating head (side/side--front/back) with wrap around jaw(s) (single or double)

    What is the GVWR of that 5th wheel?

    Buy a hitch that is at least 1000# higher rating.
  • Do you have a long or short bed truck? With a long bed truck you do not need a sliding hitch.
    As for a double tilt head? They are absolutely worth it.