Forum Discussion

deblas's avatar
Oct 21, 2013

2007 Raptor Fuel Station question

So this is a crazy question for all you Raptor TH owners. My buddy owns a 2007 Raptor 26' TH and has never had the need for using the on-board fuel station for his toys until recently and this is where he ran into a problem.

We can not find the fuel station's "on/off" control switch and/or timer to turn the fuel pump on. We have checked the control panel just inside the entry door and inspected every cabinet inside and out. All the other TH's we camp with have this switch/timer located either just inside the entry door or in a hall-way or something else obvious.

We have attempted to trace the electrical wires from the pump at the fuel station and see it goes across (under trailer floor) to the "passenger" side of the trailer but then we lose it above the axles going toward the front.

Where the heck is this control switch???

It almost seems the mfg simply did not install this control switch.

Any help would be great.
  • Thanks proptwister and whitehouse: there is a lever on the pump itself, when we switched it either up or down, nothing happened so we assumed there was another switch used to supply power to that point.

    So if this is the "operating" switch, we will check for power to the pump, maybe he has a blown fuse?

    Thanks again for the info.
  • Thanks Hammer, we have looked in the fuel station compartment, where the hose is with no luck. No other access points around/near there.