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GoPackGo's avatar
Jul 15, 2017

2014 Bighorn Battery/12 volt problem

Any help or thoughts on this situation are REALLY appreciated -

The short version - I only have working 12 volt appliances (lights, fridge, etc) when I am plugged into shore power. I do not have 12 volt lights or fridge when trying to run off of the house battery.

The longer version - I checked my house batteries the other day when plugged into shore power and found them to be super hot, even some steam venting. I immediately turned the battery switch to 'off' and added lots of water. Turned the switch to 'on' and checked back later to find the same situation so I again turned the switch to 'off'.

My guess is that possibly one of the two 12 volt paralleled batteries went bad and the charger kept trying to bring it up which ended up overcharged the other one. It kept on charging which caused the cooked batteries.

I pulled both the batteries, replaced with one new one, and flipped the switch to 'on'. I checked it periodically to make sure it wasn't getting hot.

The next day (today), I moved from one rv park to another and used my rig's restroom while at a rest stop. That's when I noticed that the fridge and interior lights were off. I figured that somehow, the new battery had gotten totally drained of electricity.

Now here's the part that has me really confused. When I reached the new park, I unplugged from my truck but did not plug into shore power. I then pushed the button for the landing gear and they came down ! The Lippert Level-Up system also worked fine and I was also able to extend all 3 slide-outs. I then immediately checked and still - no lights or fridge. I then plugged in to shore power and the lights came on and the fridge started up.

I do have exterior running lights and brake lights and I believe my new disc brakes are working because I would feel it if they were not.

I am not sure if the interior lights and fridge work when plugged into my tow truck. I know the lights and fridge were not working while plugged into the truck (2013 F350), but the truck was not running, so maybe everything went off when I shut off the truck. Will check further.

The converter/charger is the Progressive Dynamics 9200.

I checked the fuses inside the rig and they look good. They are in a Progressive Dynamics fuse box with a small red light next to each fuse which I believe would come on if the fuse fails. None of the 110v breakers are tripped.

Any thoughts on where to start ? I am most confused about the fact that the one electric and two hydraulic slides as well as the leveling system runs fine, even when not plugged into shore power, but nothing that is 12 volt in the interior of the rig works at all UNLESS plugged in to shore power.

I THINK the battery is charging normally. Will also check into this too.

The main battery switch is 'on'.

I do have a number of auto-reset circuit breakers near the battery so possibly one of them is the culprit.

Last - The 110 volt side seems to be fine. AC works, outlets work, washer and dryer work.

Again, thanks for any help on this.
  • Did you get all the wires back on the battery properly? Were there two positive wires at the positive terminal?
  • cmeade wrote:
    I had your problem but with my 2010 ram 3500. Batteries got hot and one was swollen and steaming from vent/caps.. I replaced both batteries and all is fine. My WAG is the old battery is not playing well with the new one and slides and leveling are on new battery and lites and fridge (inverter if residential) are on old battery and cable between batteries is small enough to not allow rapid discharge of the stronger/new battery. Pull both batteries and go to place you bought new battery from and have them tested. If new battery was damaged by bad battery then you need two new batteries and all will be fine. Also could be bad connection between batteries??

    I apologize for not being more clear. I pulled BOTH old batteries and replaced with one new battery. No more parallel batteries. And I now have the situation/problem I described.
  • Fulltime5er -

    Thank you.

    I've decided to go with just one battery instead of two.

    I have talked with Progressive Dynamics tech help about what could have caused the cooked batteries. They did say that the scenario I described is possible. In any event, the charger appears to not be overcharging the new one. But I agree with youir main thought - I will be checking the charger to see what the output is.

    But I don't think the charger is the problem I have regarding my current situation with lack of working 12 volt interior appliances.
  • I had your problem but with my 2010 ram 3500. Batteries got hot and one was swollen and steaming from vent/caps.. I replaced both batteries and all is fine. My WAG is the old battery is not playing well with the new one and slides and leveling are on new battery and lites and fridge (inverter if residential) are on old battery and cable between batteries is small enough to not allow rapid discharge of the stronger/new battery. Pull both batteries and go to place you bought new battery from and have them tested. If new battery was damaged by bad battery then you need two new batteries and all will be fine. Also could be bad connection between batteries??
  • 1st, you should replace both batteries at the same time to avoid the "unequal" charging issue. I would be looking at the converter. It should not be smoking the batteries.