up2nogood wrote:
gtsum wrote:
My Ram 3500 Megacab I ordered should be in soon and after asking a lot of questions here and other places, I am likely going with the picture frame adapter and the Superglide 2700. I wish Superglide or someone made an autoslider that fit into the Ram pucks, but they do not (they fit Ford though). Seems the Ram pucks are a good bit wider than the Fords. I really like the B&W Companion to fit the Ram pucks, but they told me they have no plans on making a slider at this time to fit the Ram.
Sounds like we have the same truck 2014 3500 Megacab , I too went with the picture frame, but for the time being staying with my 18K Reese manual slider that I had in previous truck. If I start seeing any issues I too will go with the Superglide ISR series 2900 ( 18K ) The short pull I did last week everything looked okay. Taking a 500 mile round trip next week will see how the new truck does, as well as clearance etc. Have done a fair amount of research on prices for the picture frame as well as the Superglide if interested. One thing I found out there is about $200.00 difference in the price of the Pullrite picture frame ,and the Reese picture frame, the Reese being the cheaper one, and the one I went with.
Please share your thoughts on how your setup works out for you on the trip. Also, any issues with the 5th riding nose high (since the 3500's seem to sit up a bit and the picture frame adds some height also)? My truck should be in on the 24th, so a few more days I will know more:) Safe travels!