jayhardy wrote:
Thieves stole my second set of keys out of my car so I need to replace two latch locks and my door lock in my 2014 Montana Mountainier. They no where I live
1) Does anyone know of a website I can order from (Keystone dealer not close)
2) How hard is it
Any advise would be greal appreciated
First off, the storage keys are probably identical to about 90% of every other RV out there so, unless you previously changed the locks, just match the # off your primary key. I know that the upper door lock on my Komfort is a common key, but the "deadbolt" lock is specific to my lock (at least the dealer didn't have a copy). Since you =can= open the doors, see what kind of locks are there, then visit your local locksmith and buy some. It's not like you can't take a drywall saw and cut out the storage doors in about 30 seconds and a large screwdriver and pop the entry door in about the same time.