My vote would be for the 4x4. Never know when you are going to need it but when you do it is invaluable. Mine is used more on boat ramps but I have needed it a couple times in soft areas negotiating campgrounds in the mountains. One instance we would have never made it out up several steep fire roads after major rains came in the night before. Too many to count had to back up and park it. No sweat, locked in and pulled effortlessly to the top. I have owned 4x4’s for the last 20 years and have needed it countless times. My cars are also AWD and IMO carry the same value. We travel a lot up north to see family and they are more like snowmobiles than cars when the white stuff hits. Like others have said if you only travel in mild weather and paved surfaces than 2WD will do. But there are rare situations when 4WD would be needed or very nice to have. Good Luck.