IMO, it is purely personal choice; no more, no less, personal choice only!
If you want a 4X4, get one. If you don't want a 4X4, get a 4X2.
It is just that simple.
Many years ago, I needed a truck to tow a 32 foot triple slide fifth wheel. We found a Dodge Ram 3500 CTD standard cab 5 speed 4X2 that did the job admirably.
When we settled down and quit full timing, we got horses, and the truck was used to haul hay. 35 bales on the truck, about 100 on a bumper pull flatbed trailer behind, at 65 to 75 pounds per bale. In and out of farm yards and fields, across our pasture to the barn, no problems, never got stuck.
After we got rid of the horses, I eventually gave the truck to my son, and bought the "toy" in my sig.
Yep, it is a 4X4 (GASP!!it is also an automatic transmission!!). Not because I NEED it, simply because I wanted it.
Besides, it is just too difficult to find a 4X2 these days!
Oh, by the way, that one ton dually? It was simply TOO BIG for exploring and play. I know, because I tried it. Such activities are what the Jeep is for! AND, that's why the Jeep has a suspension lift, a body lift, custom bumpers, a winch, extra skid plates, a 30 gallon gas tank, and oversize tires.