Forum Discussion

imager's avatar
Oct 17, 2015

5 ear axel weight ratings

Can anyone explain why if my 5th wheel has a GVWR of 10,995 lbs. the axels aren't rated at 5500 lbs each. Mine are rated at 5200lbs each which is 10,400 lbs total carrying capacity. Are these axels too light?
  • 20% on the pin leaves 8,000 on the axles and you have 10% over-rated suspension. Tires are likely to be the weak point.
  • Sprink-Fitter wrote:
    5 ear?

    I think they mean "5er" = "fiver" = "fifth wheel".
  • This should also make you feel better. In addition to the tow vehicle carrying 20% of the weight, the weight of the wheels and tires (approximately 450 lbs.) are not supported by the axles because they sit on the ground and support their own weight. Their weight is however counted as part of the GVWR.
  • MFL wrote:
    5,200 lb. axles are a good fit for your GVWR 10,995. Many 10,000 GVWR FWs only have 4,400 lb. axles.

    You should have a good CCC.


    My 11,300 GVWR Komfort has 5200 lb axles under it, though I did upgrade to E-range tires. I've got more tire capacity than the GVWR of the whole rig.

  • Tires with at least an E rating are a good idea under any trailer.
  • Allworth wrote:
    Tires with at least an E rating are a good idea under any trailer.