Michelle.S wrote:
I'm not creating a "Rolling Road Block", doing 65 because the other traffic never use the right lane and are running 10 to 20 over the speed limit at least.
So, I guess that you are the one that will run 85 just because that is posted. You do not have to run 85 mpg as that is the MAXIMUM legally posted speed limit. Most of these high speed roads are also posted with 60 mph as a minimum speed. I will stay above tis minimum as long as the road conditions are safe. A section of I-44 toll road in Oklahoma is posted 75 mph, but it is unsafe in an RV at 55 mph. I slowed to 45 mph, right hand land, flashers on and 45 mph until the road was safe to increase my speed.
Many trailer tires are speed rated to 65 mph, yet people do not even look at this.
I will roll along at my 65 mph in the right lane and you can change lanes and blast ahead. RV stands for Recreational Vehicle....not RACE vehicle.