goducks10 wrote:
I have trouble with my 28' 5th wheel. Not every campground has 40' long sites.
Kinda why I asked. We recently had an 'Aw, ****!' moment (more like hour and a half) at a state park in eastern Washington (Fort Spokane). We'd camped there before with our previous TT, a Salem 21RBS (~24 ft long end to end) and a GMC extended cab 1500. Many of the sites are pull-thru, just little loops off alternating sides of the main loops. This time... with a new bigger trailer (28RLS, about 31' long) and truck (F250 CCSB)... we got in fine, but it was tight. As in could barely get the awning and the slide out - actually ended up pulling the slide in a few inches just for insurance.
When we went to leave... found out that we couldn't go forward due to a tree in the way of where we needed to swing to miss other trees and/or adjacent camp sites, and now we couldn't go back either (tree). Got some help from other campers (both current truck drivers, plus their wives), did multiple attempts including unhooking and rehooking at different angles. Finally ended up having to unhook my rig, and bring one of their trucks, a smaller Tundra with a shorter wheel base, in thru the trees to back the trailer out. Not a fun time, and not anything we want to repeat... ever.
Went back and looked at the site description on their website, and it says '40 ft vehicle length', with 95 ft loop length. I had 'assumed' that meant like a 40 ft trailer, 40 ft. motorhome, etc. Nope... 40 ft *total*, and my truck is about 25 ft plus the 31 ft of the trailer :(
Since then, and for other reasons, we're considering a short 5th wheel, in the 25-30 ft range. Still wouldn't quite fit in that site, due to the small trees in close to the paved loop, but there are a lot of others where we 'should' fit just fine.