Forum Discussion

Randyl81's avatar
Jan 20, 2014

5th wheel brake

I have had my 5th wheel for 5 years and at the end of last year my electric brake controller started to act up, it would show number even after we were disconnected from our 5ver, then other times when we were hooked up we would see numbers randomly when we brake, other times it didn't seem to be working like it should.
My question do they go bad after 5 or so years and need to be replaced? Or could it be the connector outside?
Thank you all for your time.
  • If you have a manual emergency slide lever on your controller and see numbers after disconnected, you could have a bent slide lever. Try slowly taking it all the way over one way and when you come back to the other side gently push it all the way to the end. If it goes off, your lever is probably bent. Hugs, Di
  • I agree check all of your connections first especially your ground. We had a a Tekonsha voyager for years. Then we started having problems keeping it adjusted properly. Either to much or no brakes. Finally we purchased a Tekonsha P3 controller. I am very glad I did the new controller is very dependable. Set it and forget it . It does a great job.
  • I'd suspect you have a bad connector.

    What do you mean by random numbers while braking. My numbers increase while I increase brake pressure until its set point. If you are just getting random numbers I suspect a bad connector.

    Sometime you can gently adjust the pins in the pigtail to unsure good contact. Make sure the pigtail connectors are clean. You may have a loose wire in your pigtail or truck connector.