Second Chance wrote:
Statements above are true. That said, Lippert builds frames to the specifications of the RV manufacturer, so results vary wildly. Our Grand Design fifth wheel is on a Lippert frame and the only problems we've had are with the solid axle/leaf spring suspension - and I'm not a fan of that technology no matter who makes it. If you read the forums a lot, there are very few issues with the frames themselves. Nearly all the issues are with the suspension systems.
No matter if the specs are brick-outhouse solid, someone still has to build it, and that's where Lippert had huge issues. Nice pretty welds in a lot of spots, but they only penetrated one side of the weld. There have been several threads, with pics, over the past few years that show these welds where it can easily be seen that the weld never stuck to one side. Then there were the truly fugly welds that could be seen would fail, but they seem to have never been inspected at the factory for quality, so when they did fail, the mfrs pointed the finger at Lippert, who then turned around a pointed right back at the mfr, leaving the customer in the Oort Cloud. I remember a number of years ago, where people would post about factory tours and watching welding going on and commenting how truly lousy it was. There was at least one that posted that he commented to their tour guide how badly the welding was being done and that killed any chance of him ever buying that brand.
This being said, might I remind people of this recent thread: here.