rhagfo wrote:
jerem0621 wrote:
I've Never had a problem with drop in bedliners.
It's not like stuff magically sticks to the spray in bedliners. If you have unsecured cargo in your bed with a spray in bedliner it's still going to roll around. Main difference to me is that the spray in bedliners don't have the cargo management features that a good drop in liner gives. I may be the only person in the world who actually uses the board notches in a drop in bedliner but they are awesome features I would not be without.
Never mind the fact that the bed doesn't get dented when I drop a tool or something on a bedliners.
I have also heard all my life about bedliners rusting beds out. I have yet to experience that in my experience. I have seen rusted out beds...but I haven't seen them directly due to a bedliners.
I'm going against the grain here. I like drop in bed liner.
Most new truck beds have board notches in them so spray-in makes even more since.
Thanks for the info Russ,
I'll check some of the new beds out.. Maybe I have just missed that.