NC Hauler wrote:
goducks10 wrote:
Stuck on a 5'er? More options with TT's. Bunks?
Agree, though there are light 5er's out there one can use, I just don't understand why some want to go by a "dry" or "empty" weight when there is no way that is going to happen. People are going to take dishes, pot's, pans, table wear, clothes, towels, soap, proably a couple of outdoor chairs, maybe an extra TV, possibly a computer....maybe a radio, shoes...I mean really, it's amazing how much extra weight people put in their RV's and don't really know it until they've weighed the unit....but again, it's just a number and everyone else does it, so it must be ok...:)
They go by dry weight because they don't sell them loaded. It's up to the buyer to figure out how much weight he is going to load. If the dry weight is close to your capacity of your truck, its not going to work. btw, they have bunks in fifth wheels.