Let's see... We bought a brand new leftover 2010 model in September of 2011. Since then, I have done the following:
- Changed the hinges on the refrigerator from right side to left side. It was previously impossible to open the fridge with the slides in.
- Re-taped all of the A/C ductwork. It had been done sloppily by the factory, and there were air leaks everywhere.
- Connected ductwork in the basement that had not been properly attached, resulting in no heat to the livingroom.
- Recaulked the entire shower, which was leaking onto the bathroom floor. I still have to fix the leaky drain.
- Relocated the water pump and added long loops to the input and output lines to quiet it down.
- Added an accumulator tank to cut down on pump run time.
- Replaced all interior lighting with LED bulbs.
- Added a 12v outlet in the bedroom to power my CPAP while boondocking.
- Added a second battery.
- Permanently installed a 45 degree brass adapter onto the main water inlet. The original straight-in coupling was nearly impossible to use.
- Fixed a set of spread-apart contacts on the fuse that powered lighting in the livingroom slide.
- Added magnetic door stops to bathroom and bedroom doors to keep them open without the need for a wedge.
- Covered the bare chipboard bed base with padding and upholstery vinyl to lend it a more finished appearance.
- Replaced the "Destroyer of Spines" mattress with a 12" memory foam mattress so that I don't walk like Gollum after two nights sleeping in the RV.
I still have to re-do the furnace's HVAC lines, as they're rather poorly done.
Thanks for this info. Sounds like you have taken good care of your unit.