cmeade wrote:
If your truck had a hitch already then you will need a rail kit and the hitch of your choice. I went with the B&W companion fifth wheel hitch because I wanted the bed clear when the hitch is removed. See My hitch is set for the 4" behind the axle setting due to the rounded front cap (88 degree) on my Keystone Alpine. If your 5er has a flat square cap then you should consider a slider. My bed is 6' 4" on a Ram 3500 4x4 megacab and have had no problems for over 10k miles towing. Towing a 5er is easier than a TT IMHO because pivot is at the axle not the rear bumper.
The fellow selling went with a bumper pull. His old hitch is part of the deal and includes the rails. The pin is forward of the body on the trailer so with what another poster showed, it should pull with no adjustments. The tow vehicle I'll be using also has air bags on the rear axle. My other truck is also a 3/4 ton but a LOT heavier duty.
I'm pretty sure the combination will work just fine. Now I need to see what kind of shape the unit is in and see if it's worth the price. The pictures look decent and it could use a good exterior cleaning but I want to check the floor and ceiling. I looked at one trailer once that looked great until I walked in and fell through the floor.