Gotta love how many go on about getting up while on the road to go do something in the motorhome.
Now, really & truly, how smart an idea is that? Hit something while the DW is back there making a sandwich & guess who is going to shoot past on her way through the windshield. Getting lunch on the road is a very weak reason for buying a class A IMO. Vehicular autopilot has not been perfected enough for the driver to get up to go have a whizz so that argument does not work either.
I have not figured out why the motorhome is better than a towable for couples who travel either. No matter what, you are towing something that must be hitched up & unhitched. The time difference is next to nothing. Why does it matter? You are on vacation not running an airline.
There is something out there for everyone. We have met people traveling the world on a motorcycle. Then there are those who drive around in a tag axle motorhome towing a huge trailer containing a car, ATVs, maybe a boat & still don't have enough room in their rolling country estate.