Cougarnewbie wrote:
Looking at a 2019 F-350 with a 6.7 diesel. Currently have a Triton V-10 that gets about 9 mpg. (about 6 mpg towing.) The sticker doesn't list mileage on the diesel. Wondering if the diesel gets better mpg and will it be enough to offset the higher cost of diesel fuel?(3.31 rear end)
I've found it interesting that, on the whole, diesel trucks get about 10-11 mpg ON AVERAGE, across all brands and weights, when towing. Some get worse, some better. Hiway mileage is all over the place. Best mileage I've ever seen was right at 23, running 75 mph, with an empty 14 cu ft chest freezer tucked up behind the cab. Going from PHX to Cortez CO. Around here in AZ, my normal, unladen, hiway mileage is 19-21, running 65-75. If I drop down to around 60, I'll gain another .5-1 mph, at best.
I use 10 for my fuel-stop calcs, yet I still carry a 5 gal jug for CYA. I'm at my payload limit, usually, so don't have any spare to give for an aux tank. Can't drive more'n about 2-2.5 hours without a pit stop anyway, so there's even less incentive to carry more fuel. :B There are times that I'll stop and dump the 5 gals in to get me through a higher-priced town to where fuel's a bit cheaper.