Randu wrote:
jay5er wrote:
Don't hold your breath all the bad weather has been outside so that did not prevent your coach from being built, it just pevented a built coach from being delivered.
I am a production planner at a adhesives and sealants facility. January was a mess with snow and cold. Many water based raw materials were delayed as they could not make a day on a truck without freezing. February was worse with many below zero days. I live about 80 miles north east of Elkhart so I know the conditions. Once I got something produced, It would sit on my dock as Holland, CCX, and other LTL trucking companies would not pick up. My production schedule lagged 2 weeks behind at end of January due to equipment down waiting on raw materials. There is also a truck driver shortage out there so trucking is also a issue when full trucks of materials are involved. Started catching up in early Feb but then ran into more delays at mid month. We have worked Saturdays and Sundays playing catch up.
Its hard to be on the other side of the country in the desert and relate to what this winter has been like in Northern Indiana / Southern Michigan. Please have patience. Randu
PS - You may have been over promised. My experience has been RV production orders are 4-6 weeks from order to build and then you need another week for delivery.
Agreed, there has been several folks waiting for their new rig and the delivery day has come and gone. I understand their frustration/excitement but the OP received a phone call from the factory which made him feel somewhat better about situation. It helps to know what is going on and that you are not forgotten, something all the mfg's should be doing at this time.