Forum Discussion

rambotheshark's avatar
Mar 20, 2016


I have not posted in a long time. Had no real reason too, but Monday on my trip out to watch a long weekend of car racing I had the dreaded accident.

I was cruising down a two lane road headed to the racetrack in Sebring, Florida and an elderly woman, age 85, pulled out from a side street right in front of me. I was able to slow down a little, not much though and got her rear quarter panel. Probably totaled her car as it look like he axle snapped.

She said she "did not see me".

Lucky I got her there and not the passenger side door or else she would have been injured. All her air bags went off in the Hyundai and she walked away. Shook up, but no injuries.

My truck took some damage, but the airbag did not deploy. Nothing important seemed loose under the front end and nothing was leaking so I made it the last four miles (yes, I was that close) I had left to go to my destination and had some fun. I also made it back home today.

Now the insurance fun begins...

  • Yes, thank the Lord that neither of you were hurt.
    While I'm sure the price tag to fix the damage to your truck will be substantial, I am surprised that you didn't have more damage to your truck and that you were able to continue to drive it. And thank goodness that you didn't jacknife or have the 5er come loose or tip.
  • I am glad nobody was hurt!

    Thanks for sharing.. it is a good reminder to all of us that we can be doing everything right and still have an accident.

    Good thing you were able to slow down...even just a little... reduced the violence of the collision tremendously.


  • Good everyone walked away.... Looks like a new front bumper and your good to go.
  • Glad no injuries!!!

    Stuff can be repaired/replaced and that is what the insurance is for.

    They are called 'accidents'

    I'm am a bit surprised that with that damage to front end of your truck the AIR BAGS failed to deploy :H
    Thought even the 'advanced frontal' would deploy at speeds above 20 mph

    Part of those Takata Recalled Faulty Air Bags......majority of industries used them