I've owned both. Superglide on my 2004 Dodge Ram short box and Andersen Ultimate on my 2020 Silverado short box. I had few complaints with the Superglide except its weight. I had to use a Harbor Freight cable hoist to remove it. The AU is 38lbs. I like the fact I don't need to do a pull test with the AU. Once the ball is in and pin set, you're good to go. I have at least as much cab clearance with my AU and Silverado as I had with my SG and the Dodge. I think the new GM trucks have a slightly longer bed and the OEM gooseneck puck is set a few inches behind the axle. That with the offset the AU offers gives plenty of cab clearance.
I've only towed once with it. So far, no evidence of bed deflection or any bending of the bed floor. That's towing around 12k.