To the OP, the moral of the story is, generally speaking a 3/4 will handle the FW you are planning to buy without issue. But you need to do your due diligence with any truck you are looking at to ensure the numbers work. As you can see varying packages on the same brand truck, even in the same year can have impacts on the capacities. So do your homework. The point a lot of us make is that, there isn't much difference in a 3/4 to a 1T in terms of size and price - with the exception of increased payload. So you get more bang for your buck. So, for some of us, it just made sense to get the 1T. As pointed out there are exceptions. That logic may not work for you. But, if there is any chance you will want a larger FW in the future, you may find you painted yourself in a corner with your truck and have to go truck shopping again.