Jurneyman291, we have a good surge protector hot wired into our electrical system. It also protects against brown outs. If problem happens it shuts off power for about 3 minutes before it will come back on. Had no problems there with the power.
Our breakers did trip 2 pr 3 times about the time the air conditioner went out.
I have
found 2 places to order a new Air conditioner and there is $30 dollars difference in their prices. These are exactly same as our unit. Has heat pump, ducted and Is 15,000 BTU. Going to order it in about 10 days. After we move south. Got someone down there to install it.
We already did this 3 years ago. The new one we bought 3 years ago must have been defective in some way to only last 3 years. This was what we were told from someone in the business.
The installation is a piece of cake.
New one is costing $785.00 plus shipping which will run about $120.00.