traindriver1 wrote:
I am wondering where the air is coming from.
Last night, I thought I had a clogged down tube, as the toilet wasn't dumping. Went out and pulled the dump valve and got a good dump, But I know the tank wasn't close to full at the time.
where is the air coming from to make it burp?... it isnt, its just the air taking up the empty space in the tank needs to be removed before anything else can fit in, so the contents of the bowl and the air in the tank are passing one another.. its called "displacement".
normally, the displaced air would be pushed out the vent tube when the toile is dumping into the tank, but if the vent tube is blocked for some reason, the air cant pass out thru it, so it comes out the only hole thats open....
in addition, if the vent tube cant "breathe" properly, it can prevent the tank from dumping as it should, and a slow, sluggish dump can leave stuff behind in the tank.. unless you hold the toilet shutter open so it can let air in as the effluent rushes out thru the tank valve..