Transamz9, I did not take any pictures but there is a couple of You Tube videos that shows how it works. Just google Center Point suspension. I should have qualified my statement by saying the time it took for the install was just for the air bags themselves. I piddled with the air lines off and on for a while. The system comes with a single fill valve and gauge so both sides would be at the same pressure. I was pretty sure my Excel was not the same weight on both sides so I bought an extra fill valve and gauge so I could plumb each side separately. I understand TrailAir (owned by Lippert) has or will change to an individual system.
We sold our truck a few weeks ago and are still waiting on the new one. I won't be able to say much till we take a trip with it. I did do a short test run before I sold our truck and I felt I could tell a difference but a longer tow will tell me more.