Do what I did, call the Goodyear engineers. They told me to look at the tire inflation and loading table on their website. They say that you are fine as long as you don't run the tire underinflated for the weight it is carrying. The lowest the chart goes is 35psi, and the tire will carry 1700lbs. If you have 4 tires, that is 6800lbs total, with 6 tires, that's 10,200lbs. My Voltage weighs 16,500lbs empty, which would be 65% over the recommendation. Gross weight on mine is 19K, and that is almost 90% above. I know that the China bombs had very weak sidewalls. I was amazed at the difference between the Akurets that I took off, and the 614's, the bombs were like a balloon that you could squeeze the beads together with one hand. I stood on the sidewall of the unmounted 614 and it hardly moved. My opinion is that with that stiff sidewall, if you air it down far enough to make any difference in contact patch size, that stiff sidewall will not react favorably to being flexed that much.
I am by no means an expert, but the experts are only a phone call away. My suggestion would be to call them.