tunatundra wrote:
I will address your questions with my experience It seems every time the topic comes up someone replies to Andersen Hitches yet doesn't own one but is quick to throw in the same negative comments. Enough pretty please. We are here to help and most of us try to help.
I own an Andersen/B&W yet I am not pumping my ego with emotional garbage. The hitch works. I can remove it easily and carry it one hand to my garage. When unhitching or hitching my 5Ver, the TV does not have to be perfectly strait (vertical) to the trailer. In fact, I can be angled and I am still able to engage or disengages very smoothly. It works for me. However, you must consider the cost of buying two hitches (B&W and the Andersen). The ease of operations and handling was worth it for me. There is a lot of good hitches out there with pros/cons...
Well, usually just stating an opinion of why I don't own one.
#1. don't like the design, load has too much leverage on the attachment to the ball.
#2. I have never liked a hitch that isn't solidly attached to the frame. Yes the Andersen attaches to the turnover ball, but the load is carried on the bed of the TV, and only one point of attachment. This is also one of the reasons I don't care for the B&W Companion arrangement.
#3. I don't need a wrench to remove or install my hitch. Andersen you need a torque wrench to correctly install (B&W also).
#4. I live in Oregon, don't want to deal with safety chains.
I agree with Cummins12V98, quality product, just have a different opinion of what I want in a hitch.
I guess I took too much math, physics, and algebra in High school and Collage.