Yes, it's amazing how good of HDTV you can pick up over the air with new antennas on an RV.
Our reception is so good in the MH, we dumped cable TV at home and will save a lot of money. Cable was $120 a month which wasn't HD. So far on over the air HDTV, we're out $36 for the antenna, $40 for a booster/splitter and $12 for a new piece of coax.
The results are a little spotty at the moment. In most places in the southwest, all of the TV station antennas for a particular area will be on the same hill or mountain, so it's easy to aim the antenna.
Here in Anchorage, our (not so bright) TV stations put their antennas in three very different directions. I don't think they could have messed it up any worse if they tried. Anyway, we've got them all coming in fine on the antenna except one station. Have found out how to install a second antenna to point at just the missing station and tie both antennas together. So after the second antenna the cost will be up to $124, just a little more than one month of cable TV. Good riddance to GCI cable TV.