DB Cooper wrote:
You probably cross the mountain at the same place I do - Santiam Pass.
I usually take Tombstone Pass, unless I'm fully loaded in which case I do take Santiam since the passing lanes on Tombstone are only about 2 car-lengths long and all uphill (going east) so if I get stuck behind a slow car, not much I can do about it when I'm towing heavy.
I usually take WIllamette pass when I'm heading to Nevada. While not as steep and winding as Tombstone, its long and steady.
The transmission is certainly the weak point behind the 7.3L, but it seems to generally hold find behind the V10, at least since the 4R100 came out. I think it's actually more of shift programming issue. The V10 with the 4R100 locks the T/C in every gear under hard load, but it seems the 7.3L programming only lets it lock in 3rd and 4th, so the same transmission behind the diesel can run LOTS hotter.