Forum Discussion

kohana's avatar
Feb 18, 2017

At what pressure do you run your Sailun tires?

I'm replacing my E rated Michelin Ribs with Sailun 235/85/16G tires.
The scaled weight on my trailer wheels is just under 11200lb, about 2800lb/tire avg. My rims are G rated. I run the E tires @ 80lb but 110lb for the Gs seems way too much.
I'm thinking about 90lb, less on a cold morning (won't chase the pressure as I do now).
BTY the Michelins have been great for 6 yrs. but cost is over twice as much and they are close to their weight limits.
I would like to know what others are doing.
  • 80 psi on a Sailun tire carrying about 2450 lbs. I have had one Sailun G-range tire for three towing seasons, about 24,000 miles total. The tread-wear looks even: no sign of underinflation.

    I bought the one Sailun when one of my E-range tires blew out while on the road.

    Note added Feb 19:
    I looked at my tires today, and see a little more wear on the Sailun's outer tread, which is a sign of underflation. Therefore, I plan to up the pressure to 90 or 100 the next time out.
  • I run my Sailun tires at 90-95 psi. I have a triple axle toyhauler with 2500 lbs. each on 2 wheels and the other 4 around 2000 lbs each. It seems to ride well at that pressure, and tire wear is excellent.
  • I use tires that gives my trailers a 15 percent reserve capacity so they can be ran at max pressure. Max tire performance and reliability comes at max pressures....according to Michelin truck tire anyways.
    However when a trailer axle is over tired by 30% or 1280 lbs per tire max pressures may not work out the best.
    In that case I like this from;

    Tire Load and Inflation Ratings

    Note: Towable – Travel Trailer/ 5th Wheel owners Due to the severe use conditions experienced by tires when axles are very close together – tire industry experts recommend maximum (sidewall) inflation pressure for towable tires unless this causes a sever over-inflation situation (20psi+), often referred to as the ‘basketball effect’. If this is your situation allow a 10 – 15psi safety margin above the minimum required inflation pressure.

    On edit;
    I run my LT235/85-16 G Sailun S637 with 3750 lbs capacity at max psi on my GN tri axle trailer with 7k axles.
  • Those tires are rated for 4080 pounds each. Your weight is less than 3000 pounds per tire. Enjoy your safety factor, and see how 90 feels. Take a picture of the tires now, put some miles on them, and compare pictures. If you wear the outsides, inflate, if you wear the center, deflate, if it looks even you are running them with a great safety margin.
  • I air my Sailun's to max. pressure 110. No issues in 3 years.
  • What ever the maximum cold pressure printed on the sidewall is the correct pressure, unless your wheels are not rated for that high of pressure.