We have the 28' AKLG with the rear slide and are very happy with it. We did our research, toured the factory, went to the Pomona RV Show, met the owner and the factory service people. (Side note: While at the Pomona Show, Mark Warmoth formally with Weekend Warrior was debuting his new Extreme Warrior Line, and I asked his opinion as well). Surprisingly, Mark said Eclipse made a good product. WW was ground zero for the mass produced toyhaulers, and some of folks left and started Eclipse. I also visited MVP's factory before they went out of business. Finally, we pulled the trigger based on the floor plan/ price point and never looked back.
Unfortunately, there have been issues, but Chris Morris in customer service has always taken care of us. It always amazes me that anything works and is still attached after traveling down I-5 (equivalent to 10.0 earthquake on the Richter scale).