This is a pet peeve of mine. I am an admittedly anal guy when it comes to this stuff, I've built several custom vehicles of various types and wired several more, from scratch, (show winners) before the nice new harnesses became available.
Our Eclipse Attitude is wired (on the 12v side) like 99% of the RV's I've seen, which means by someone in a hurry without much skill.
I am going to be spending about a year going through it, pulling the dang wire-nuts and junk off of it and soldering every connection that I can. The ones I can't hit with solder will get ANCOR marine style glue/shrink crimp connectors. I've already picked up a couple of terminal blocks and junctions to clean up the mess.
Like I said, I am pretty obsessive about this stuff, but there is the right way, and then everything else. And there is a lot of everything else rolling around out there.
With all of the aftermarket harness/loom companies out there you'd think the manufacturers would be looking for a custom harness that their workers can just install, secure in place, connect up, and be done.
Rant over. sorry, touchy spot with me.