Grit dog wrote:
Reisender wrote:
mr_andyj wrote:
One down.
Have you been to Sedona? The worst thing about Sedona is those side-by-sides! They suckk. Noisy, and totally trash the dirt roads. They are rented by vacationers that shoulda gone and rode the roller coaster. They treat this nice peaceful wonder like a race track and think they are not annoying.
Did I mention that the dirt roads are destroyed all the time because of these side by sides?
Worst thing ever!
And they are stinky. Not an issue out in the boonies, but downtown it sucks.
Now I know you’re just being dramatic. As there isn’t a SxS made that is a 2 stroke and nary a quad made that is still a 2 stroke, maybe none.
Therefore, they are all 4 cycle save for maybe the odd person on a classic race quad like an old Banshee, and many of them have catalytic converters to boot.
Sarah Bernhardt would be proud!
Look who posted it though. If you aren't driving an EV powered by good vibes and unicorn vapors, then you're the enemy.