And they are stinky. Not an issue out in the boonies, but downtown it sucks.
Yeah like old Harleys with lots of miles the 4 stroke OHV with blow by issues can smell much worse than the two strokes.
And its not just old worn out OHV smell issues.
The last time we stayed in Silverton the camp ground owner had to make a call on a group of TX OHV owners that many had aftermarket exhausts that were loud.
The problem was they couldn't just ride in like most others with OHV vehicles but had to rip it up and see how much noise they could make with constant throttle wacks.
I doubt the new rules will hurt the city. OHV owners are there for all the trail riding in the mountains. They will just use the tow vehicle to go to town.
Its the same every where. The few slugs regardless of vehicle types ruins it for everyone.