x2 Valhalla360
I will add a few items-
Before picking up the 5W scope out a nearby high school parking lot or a unused air craft runway (lol) or other unused large vacant lot.
Have a plan, pick up the 5W on a Sat, have a supply of traffic cones, rocks, cardboard boxes, tape measure etc. Using the parking space lines mark out a RV parking spot and road etc.
When initially leaving the dealers lot remember that a 5W cuts the corners more so than a TT. So crowd the far side of the turn a little bit, go a little farther into the turn, then turn the TV sharper than normal, check your mirror to gage how close to the curb your 5W tires are.
Drive into the practice area, do a left 360 or two, do a right 360 or two, using the parking lines drive up and down making left and right turns as if in town, if you don't use cones etc, drive down a lane, pick a parking spot, try backing into it. Remember with a 5W once you start the backing it responds slower (than a TT) when straightening it out. After you get it parked, disconnect it, pull fwd do a 360 to the left, back in and reconnect, pull out, repeat, repeat and repeat again.
Don't get discouraged! Believe Me you will figure it out! Even after owning a TT for 10 years and a 5W for 19 years "They ALL Occasionally Have A Mind Of Their Own" When that happens STOP, get out look around, even pull around the block/loop and start over again!
I had the hardest time convincing my wife that if she couldn't see my mirrors that I couldn't see her