Fire5er wrote:
I have a Tadi Brothers color wireless system that is advertised as good to 70' on my 40' 5th-wheel and when in high RF interference areas (like large cities and thus high traffic areas) the screen will scramble and is of no use. I had a wired system on my last 5er (39') and it was clear as day all the time. I installed both systems and if I had to do it over again I would go wired over wireless.
I was actually thinking the exact same thing.. I'm a bit of a techie and although there are certain times for 'wireless' there are better times for old-school. Seems more and more I hear that the wired camera is best for the back of the RV. There may be some people posting that their wireless system works "most of the time" but without knowing what that means.. Well..
I'm shopping for WIRED and will put up with the terrible issue of having to plug in one extra wire when hooking up. ;)