Forum Discussion

Diesel_Camper's avatar
Feb 01, 2016

Battery hydrometer testing questions...

I recently got turned on to hydrometer testing as a more accurate way to tell what your batteries have left. I'm wondering how people store their hydrometers? I have already burned a hole in one pair of pants by not being careful enough, and I'm currently storing the hydrometer in a Tupperware container that seems to be able to hold up.

Also, I'm wondering if repeated opening and testing will harm the batteries chemistry... the little drops that don't make it back into the battery adding up over time for example...

I was thinking about making a pvc tube holder and mounting it in the battery compartment.
  • We rinse ours with distilled water, before and after use. Only check about twice a year. Also use it to fill the cells with distilled water.
  • Have a cup of fresh water handy, and after testing the cells, flush the hydrometer two or three times with the fresh water. I've been using the same hydrometer for over 30 years when I left the automotive trade.
  • Buy a pack of cheap aprons and use those when messing with dirty things and acid. Remember your shop teacher always wore an apron of some sort as did my chemistry teacher.

    Eye protection for sure. Just rinse the tops of the batteries off after you are done testing. Do rinse the hydrometer well or the hose will rot quickly.
  • Yes, battery acid is similar to anti sieze compound. It will end up on my clothing no matter how careful I am. Difference is that battery acid is very dangerous for the eyes. Its best to wear goggles and have a source of eye flush water. They make eye flush kit/dispensers.

    My battery compartment has a gap that is large enough to let the hydrometer store in there. Its best to rinse it out after each use. At times there is no substitute for knowing the SG but I wouldn't check it often. As I use my system I get an idea of how the batteries are performing and do a top charge/equalize.