Forum Discussion

jayhardy's avatar
Mar 29, 2016

Battery Issue with stored Fiver

I have recently moved my 2014 Fiver from a storage unit with electricity to a place without any. After 3 weeks I could barely put the slides out. I left nothing on but obviously something is draining. If I turn off the main switch on the powerboX will that save the power I recharge after going out this weekend? The storage guy asked me if I had a power off unit. Any advise would be appreciated.
  • There is "parasitic" draw on your battery all the time. Your converter, your CO detector, the electronics in the refrigerator, and your radio to name just a few.

    If you have a battery cut-off, this will help. But it's possible, even with the cut-off switch, there could still be something drawing from the battery. The only "sure" way is to disconnect the battery, unless you can completely test your cut-off switch for 100% battery feed OFF to the trailer.
  • To be fully disconnected, you have to have a disconnect switch right at the battery, or disconnect a battery cable.

  • There is a parasitic draw from the CO detector, radio, etc. On a 2014 you likely have a battery disconnect installed. If not unhook the negative battery cable when not in use until you can find one. What kind of fiver is it? Someone may know if a disconnect is installed.