Forum Discussion

revflyr's avatar
Jan 11, 2014

Battery problem

I have a new Thunderbolt 386x12 that every time I put it in storage for even a week, it will draw the battery down to where it will not have enough power to raise the gear. I always turn off the disconnect.
The dealer is telling me that even with the disconnect turned off there is still phantom draws that will run the battery down. Now that is new to me, I always thought that there should be no 12 volt power anywhere when the disconnect is off. The disconnect seems very cheap as it will override the off position some. Also when turning the switch back on, it turns the sound system on. The dealer is telling me that also happens on some of the newer sound systems. Anyone else have this issue. Thanks
  • Buy a disconnect and mount it at the battery or disconnect one of the cables while in storage. Anytime my trailer sits for more than a week I try to disconnect the battery to prevent my CO2/LP alarm from killing the battery. If you take this route make sure you connect it back up prior to towing as this usually provides power for your brakes in a break away situation.
  • The dealer is correct. On most RVs there are phantom draws. The only way to prevent it is with a disconnect at the battery itself or use a maintainer/charger.